June 16, 2008

The Fantastic Adventures of the Autie Team!

Part II: ASpieboy meets The Stim Kid!

ASpieboy accompanies his Mom on a social mission to allow his Mom Coffee Time with her friend, the Stim Kid’s Mom. The women stay in the kitchen to chat while Aspieboy follows The Stim Kid to his bedroom.

The Stim Kid’s latest form of entertainment consists of putting his story tapes on fast forward and listening to the voices and sound effects on high speed. ASpieboy listens intently, laughing uproariously at the distorted sounds and is oblivious to The Stim Kid’s rocking and flapping.

Suddenly he is aware of another sound close to his ear, a high pitch whine that is not part of Stim Kid’s continuous happy noises. He moves his hand toward his ear in time to see a mosquito fly away from his head.

DISASTER!!!!! A mosquito – THE WORST POSSIBLE HORROR IMAGINABLE!! He fills his lungs to scream and prepares to run from the room in terror, when he catches sight of Stim Kid, who has stopped rocking and flapping.

He quickly remembers the foolproof technique his Mom taught him. He takes several deep breaths and says to himself: “This is not the end of the world, this is not the end of the world. I am ASpieboy, I shall overcome, I can do this, I can do this…”
The story tape is forgotten as Stim Kid begins a low humming and starts finger-flicking. ASpieboy watches Stim Kid’s eyes and realizes that his friend is following the intricate path of the stealthy insect.

Without a word spoken, the two boys circle the room, Stim Kid never taking his eyes off the mosquito and ASpieboy never taking his eyes off Stim Kid. As long as Stim Kid is humming and moving, ASpieboy knows he has the mosquito in sight. Suddenly, The Stim Kid stops and stares at the wall. ASpieboy follows his friend’s gaze to a spot on the wall that he realizes is no ordinary spot!

He quickly picks up one of his take-everywhere books and smashes it against the wall, killing the despicable creature instantly. Stim Kid blinks and moves back to his tape player, rewinding and beginning again. ASpieboy thanks his friend for using his incredible fixation powers and brings the book to his Mom to be wiped clean.

ASpieboy explains the crisis that was recently averted and the two Moms praise the boys’ skills and cooperation. They send ASpieboy back to the bedroom with two bowls of potato chips.

But they don’t do it for the appreciation, or the yummy treats. They do it because they can. They are successful. They are triumphant. They are ASpieboy and The Stim Kid. They are the AUTIE TEAM!

(cue theme music)

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful and insightful story. I also enjoy your other ASpieboy stories. I hoe you will write more.
