August 11, 2008

I HAVE RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sound the trumpets! Yes, it is me, back to bore you some more! Shakespeare school was fun and AMAZING, I even got a contact sheet with the names and e-mail addresses of my classmates! Not that I'll ever write to them, but still, nice to have.

I think I met an fellow aspie there. He has even less social awareness than me and he plays World of Warcraft, which is the ultimate test. By the way, if you are planning to see any Stratford play, Cabaret was my favourite out of the ones I saw. Truly AMAZING, funny, and very scary at times.

If, by some weird cosmic coincidence one of my classmates is reading this, I'd like to say it was great working with you, and if any of those pictures we took make their way on Facebook, I will hunt you down and kill you. For an explanation why, please see the link on the right side of the page.

Now, I hereby promise to add more posts more frequently. Even if they make no sense whatsoever. If you want to be weirdness free, you should go to another blog. This one isn't for you.

P.S. If anyone from my YAPAP youth theatre group that I worked with last year is reading this, don't worry, I still like you as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is me. I am commenting on my own blog. HAHA! I love the irony!!!
