June 24, 2008


The economic situation of the world is in dire need of a change. Currency should be, in short, removed from all society. Burn the money. Now.

It was a bad idea to begin with, but now it has gotten ridiculous. Today's currency is a mixture of paper money and electronic pulse batted back and forth between computers. Someones complete economic class depends upon a series of fictional ones and zeroes.

Let us be clear on the following points: money is the largest difference between people. The amount you have determines your entire life. This is the only purpose of currency; to divide people into different economic classes. The situation gets out of hand in cases like the infamous stock market crash, where everyone was poor and starving due to a matter of mathematics. The system is flawed when a few get everything, and the rest get nothing. There is no logical purpose for money. It's only function is to harm society.

Is it too much to ask for people to go to work, do their job, and have free housing, free food, provided by people who in turn get what they want and need for free? What is stopping us from cooperating to this extent?

You may think this is insane, but isn't it insane to have 80% of the population having 20% of the world's wealth? I'm not the crazy one.

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